We´ve ´bean´ to Chicago!
In order to get to Mexico City we had to fly into Chicago. That was pretty much the only reason that we decided to go to Chicago but I´m so glad that we did.
Chicago is an amazing place, it feels like a land locked city but it´s on a lake larger than Wales so has beaches for the summer months. It has old areas that feel like you are back in England and the best pizza I have ever tasted. It also has the tallest building in America (Sears Tower, it´s the tallest thanks to Mr Bin Laden) and a sculpture called The Bean!!
We took a lift to the top of the Sears Tower and it was only at this point that the strict block system that the Americans use for their cities really became apparent. It´s crazy just how regimented it all is. Give me the crazed madness of UK cities any day (unless I´m lost and then the block thing is amazing!).
As for The Bean, well you can see for yourself. It´s a huge shiny err.... bean! (it was made so that it reflects the skyline of the city in its curved surface and looks really cool!).
However, the atmosphere was great and you never have to move from your seat. They bring beer and hot dogs to you while you try and figure out what the hell is happening. We were lucky enough to have fantastic seats that were 10 rows back from first base and a very helpful steward sat nearby who told me all that I needed to know.
For the record Cubs beat San Fransisco 12:1, but there were no home runs. This now brings me onto the other American sport that I discovered this day. Beer pong! Basically a pasting table with a triangle of bear glasses either end. The objective, to get a ping pong ball into the other persons glasses (making him drink them) before he can do it to you. A mix between basket ball, ping pong and drinking. Only in America!
Chicago is an amazing place, it feels like a land locked city but it´s on a lake larger than Wales so has beaches for the summer months. It has old areas that feel like you are back in England and the best pizza I have ever tasted. It also has the tallest building in America (Sears Tower, it´s the tallest thanks to Mr Bin Laden) and a sculpture called The Bean!!

As for The Bean, well you can see for yourself. It´s a huge shiny err.... bean! (it was made so that it reflects the skyline of the city in its curved surface and looks really cool!).
That´s enough of culture and all that, the main thing that attracted me to Chicago was the Baseball. Which brings us to our last day there, Ells and I are standing outside Wrigley park (home of the Cubs) with 2 lovely tickets. What I didn´t mention is that neither of us have any idea of the rules of baseball or how it all works.

Our time in America (especially Disney!) has definitely changed my views of this country and most of his inhabitants. But, having said that, there are a lot of really fat people living here whos diet consists soley of McDonalds!
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