News from the Shining Star
While we were in New Zealand we received an update from Melkior about the Shining Star Nursery School that we helped to set up whilst we were in Tanzania.
We were overjoyed to hear just how well things were going with the school. Since we left there have been further improvements including a new toilet being installed so that girls and boys don´t have to share, lots of new playground equipment has been built (I´m sure it all compleys with UK safety standards!) and they now have swings, slides and a roundabout to have fun on during their break times. However, the biggest improvement is that the school now has electricity which is pretty rare in Tanzania. The children are now enjoying learning through listening to CD´s and they also have a DVD player and big screen! Sara and Melkior also organised a school trip to one of the countries amazing National Parks for the children to see the spectacular wildlife first hand. This was the first time any of the children had seen giraffes or elephants etc in the wild even though they live so close.
As you can imagine the Shining Star is now the most popular Nursery school in the area and Sara and Melkior have actually had to stop admitting pupils as the school is up to full capacity.
All of this started from nothing and we would just like to thank all of you who gave your time and money to get this project off the ground.
As you can imagine the Shining Star is now the most popular Nursery school in the area and Sara and Melkior have actually had to stop admitting pupils as the school is up to full capacity.
All of this started from nothing and we would just like to thank all of you who gave your time and money to get this project off the ground.
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