The Muxworthy Family Holiday was coming to an end and we decided to spend our last couple of days together in Sydney, visiting the countries two most famous icons.
That evening Mum and Dad treated us (again!) to a sumptuous dinner aboard a floating restaurant which meandered around the harbour while we dined. The views, food, wine and company were simply amazing and a night I don't think any of us will ever forget. However, as seems to becoming a trend with good nights out we did consume rather a lot of alcohol (I think I might have drunk my body weight in white wine!) and as we got off the boat we noticed one lone passenger was still on board, leaning over the handrail of the deck, doing a strange dance and singing rather loudly . . . when we looked closer we realised it was Adam!
We started with the Opera House. You've got to admit, it's an awesome looking building, but somehow it didn't seem as big as I expected . . . until we got inside. The theatres are just enormous, really impressive.
In contrast, the Harbour Bridge was so much more spectacular than I had expected. And we didn't just look at it, or even drive over it, we climbed it!
After arriving at the climb centre we were taken into a small room where we had to sign consent forms etcetera and also take a breath test - even though I knew that there was no way I could be over the limit from the amount I had drunk the previous evening my heart still started to beat a little faster at this point - how embarrassing it would be if the bloke in charge had to escort me from the room because I was still drunk! Fortunately, this didn't happen and instead I was given a rather attractive all in one suit to put on. So, after donning our climbing suits we attached ourselves to a kind of metal rod which runs around the bridge and set off. Got to admit that I found the start of the climb a little daunting. You begin by climbing up a series of vertical ladders - beneath you all you can see is the road with traffic whizzing by and then to the right of you is nothing but the ocean. Thoughts of what would happen if you slipped and the safety harness didn't work begin to hurtle through your mind! Then the ladders end and you are actually on the arc of the bridge, gazing out over the city and the awesome Opera House. The views were just spectacular.
All too soon our family holiday was over. We both had an absolutely awesome time and hope you guys did to. Thanks ever so much for flying half way round the world to see us!
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