Arriving in the land down under!
Our journey to Australia was ridiculously long seeing as we were already about hlaf way there. We caught a plane from Beijing to Hong Kong where we had a twelve hour stop over before we flew onto Perth. We werwe still not at our final destination however as we were headed for Melbourne to catch up with some of the girls we volunteered with in Tanzania. Before we could catch our final flight though we had a six hour stop over, lucky us!! Ad decided to use this time to wash and shave in the men's toilets, much to the amusement of the female cleaner!
So, after a total of thirty six hours travelling plus a two hour time difference we eventually reached Melbourne, and instead of going to bed headed out for a night on the town with our friends! After a reunion with Liz at the airport we headed into the city to meet the Aussie girls (Miffy and Yo) who had volunteered with us in Tanzania and had flown into Melbourne earlier that day to meet us. It was so good to see Yo, Miff and Liz again and reminisce about Tanzania, over a few glasses of wine of course! Had a fab night (from what I remember!) and looking forwards to catching up with Yo and Miffy again later on in our Australian travels!
Lizzie lives in Melbourne and very kindly offered us a room at her place - so nice not to be in a dodgy hostel, to use a washing machine that you didn't have to sit and watch run it's cycle for fear of someone stealing your clothes the moment it finished and be able to use a clean toilet that you didn't have to que for (actually, forget about the que, it was amazing just having access to a clean toilet - the things you appreciate when you've spent six months outside Western civilisation!). My parents were flying into Melbourne the following week so we spent our time in Melbourne meeting Liz's friends and doing not a lot at all which was simply perfect.
Lizzie lives in Melbourne and very kindly offered us a room at her place - so nice not to be in a dodgy hostel, to use a washing machine that you didn't have to sit and watch run it's cycle for fear of someone stealing your clothes the moment it finished and be able to use a clean toilet that you didn't have to que for (actually, forget about the que, it was amazing just having access to a clean toilet - the things you appreciate when you've spent six months outside Western civilisation!). My parents were flying into Melbourne the following week so we spent our time in Melbourne meeting Liz's friends and doing not a lot at all which was simply perfect.
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