Our last day at school finally arrived. Our time here as gone so quickly we really can't believe that it's nearly over. Teaching in a secondary school where children walk for an hour and a half just to get to school and then get sent home because they can't afford to pay for their education has been a real eye opener. Children out here really value their education and they realise what a crucial part learning English will play in their future. It's been fantastic to be able to help these children and to see their confidence and ability grow day by day.
On our last day we decided to have a couple of fun lessons followed by a party. We prepared some traditional party games (musical chairs and pass the parcel) but weren't sure how they would go down. The pupils loved them. They thought musical chairs was the best game ever and couldn't believe that every time you took a layer off in pass the parcel you got a prize. We finished off with a game of musical statues which even our teacher joined in because she wanted to win the prize!!

We ended our party with party food and chocolate cake - I think the staff enjoyed it even more than the pupils. We were just about to leave when four girls from our classes told us that they had written a song and a short speech that they would like to perform for us. I had been on the verge of tears all morning and this was the last straw! These girls had taken the time to write and practice their song and speech for us in their own time. It was really touching and the English they used was brilliant. It made us both feel so proud and lucky to have been able to work with such amazing children.
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