If Adam was Tanzanian he'd be a Chagga!

The English teacher at our school, Beatrice, comes from a local village that is about an hour and a half away. A couple of weeks ago she asked us to go with her to see her family in their home village. We arranged to meet at 8:00 am (on a Saturday!) in town where we would then catch a dalla dala up to her village. We had been out the night before as some of our friends were leaving and it was also another volunteers Birthday so when the 7:00 alarm began to ring we weren't in the best of moods! We made our way into town and she took us to the dalla dala stand where we were rammed onto the busiest dalla dala I have ever seen. Seriously, it should have heldabout 16 people and instead there must have been 30 on it! We arrived in Uru about 45 minutes later where Beatrice pointed to a really steep hill and said this way!! About an hour later we finally reached her village and were welcomed by her Grandmother and her father. Her Grandmother was amazing, she is in her 80's and still farms the land by hand - picking and sorting the coffee beans. Her father welcomed us in what is apparently a traditional chagga manner - he gave us each a bottle of beer and said 'karibu!' (welcome) - it was only about 10.00am and we were still feeling the effects of the night before!
We spent the day looking round her village, meeting other members of her family who were all extremely friendly and drinking beer (it's the Chagga way!). We decided that if Adam was Tanzanian he'd definately be a Chagga!
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