Our visit to hospital!!!

After a long day of temple visiting we were out enjoying dinner when I noticed a poster advertising the latest tourist activity going on in Siem Reap - giving blood at the local children's hospital!
The hospital are running at a 40% defecit everyday as there has recently been a dengue fever epedemic in Cambodia so loads of adults are unable to give blood. This sounds like an enormous shortfall but the hospital only uses a relatively small amount of blood - just 25 pints per day - however, only 15 pints are being donated.
So the next morning we headed off to the hospital. We were amazed at just how clean and hygenic it was. Everything was sterilised and only used once. The staff were so kind and friendly and to make our day we were given a can of soft drink, a packet of biscuits and, even better, a t-shirt each for our efforts!!
Later that night, after a few beers, we were talking about the problem faced by the hospital and Ad decided that in true 'my name is Earl' style he would try to win back some good karma by spreading the word about the hospital to 10 poeple - making up one days shortfall. He proceeded to stop randoms in the street and explain the problem. As we thought, no one knew of the hospitals problems and sure enough Ad managed to convince ten people to give it a go.
So if you're visiting Siem Reap in the near future, after you've visited the Wats why don't you join in this latest craze and go and give some bloody blood!!
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