Biker Gangs and Beers!!

After a few drinks we decided that we should travel down to Koh Samui to meet up with Bolts, Beast Man and Wuka properly and spend a few days on the beach. Waking up the following morning to go and buy the train tickets was painful, my head was killing me and the thought of more days drinking was not very appetising. After a night train and a good nights sleep things seemed much better and we met back up and enjoyed a few more beers followed by some midnight swimming.
While we were on Koh Sumui we went to see some Thai Boxing. The sport looks really painful and makes normal boxing look as dangerous as knitting. There was a huge amount of respect between the boxers though, who shared the same dressing room and were best friends again after the fight (where they had punched and kicked each other until one of them couldn’t walk!) The best knock out of the night though came courtesy of a young German lad. He was walking to the toilet when a young Thai lady caught his eye, not looking where he was going he walked straight into a metal post. He knocked himself out, got up and tried to walk on to the toilets falling over several time. Don’t worry he was fine after we sat him down and give him some water and ice (ice for his head!)

We had a great time on the Island even though it resembles Blackpool with sun rather than Thailand. The sunshine combined with seeing our mates again though made up for the Blackpoolness - it was really great to see our friends again.
Cheers lads for letting us crash your week in the sun!
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